
Newired Rollout

Newired Rollout

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Newired Rollout

The roll-out package is a complete set of tasks & services which guarantee a successful take-off and ‘go-productive’ with Newired user-guidance for customer web-applications and websites.


  • Assistance with the definition of the project plan, set milestones and action items for the ‘go-live’
  • Installing the Newired server on a cloud, tailored for your needs or helping customers IT-staff installing the server on-premise and setting the configurations
  • Target Application Profiling: We’ll analyze your target application and work how to set up Newired’s authoring environment for this application
  • Configure Newired algorithms for the new application
  • Journeys & Tips creation and design support i.e., hands-on training and help how to build the perfect user guidance
  • Newired Theme adjustments: we will fit the design of the Journeys & Tips to your target application and corporate design colors and fonts
  • Definition, guidance and configuration of test procedures for Newired Journeys before they go productive and live.
  • Final deployment strategy of Newired overlays and guidance – how to connect Newired guidance to your target application including processing of Security and Privacy requirements
  • Regular review sessions incl. final assessment of goals and achievements

Delivery: Online Sessions (min. 1h), max. 6 attendees
Services: 40h
Pricing: €4.590/$5.740
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