
About us

About us

The Newired vision

As every successful entrepreneurial activity, the Newired company starts with a dream. Our dream is to live in a Digital World where technology is accessible and self-explanatory: a place where there is no need to read a manual or to call a support center to deal with the latest version of an application, a place where help can be found when and where it is needed.
Shortening the distance between users and applications is our goal as Digital Transformers
About us

The Newired vision

As every successful entrepreneurial activity, the Newired company starts with a dream. Our dream is to live in a Digital World where technology is accessible and self-explanatory: a place where there is no need to read a manual or to call a support center to deal with the latest version of an application, a place where help can be found when and where it is needed.
Shortening the distance between users and applications is our goal as Digital Transformers.

A new way to be wired. Newired.


Our solution works and keeps working during time.


We are committed to offer a solution that is intuitive to implement.


We offer a transparent, easy to try and fair pricing model.


On prem or cloud, it is a client decision. Security is a non-negotiable condition.

"Newired is the place where the innovation in user guidance, training, support, engagement is happening. It’s Digital Transformation rescuing its users"
Stefano Rizzo, CEO at Newired


At the end of 2020, Newired completed its third investment round, getting funds and skills from other world-renowned professionals, from primary European Companies and from ad-hoc family venture funds.

Newired global expansion is also supported by Finpiemonte, a government fund that selected us as eligible for a six-digits free-cash support program
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