
Newsletter December 2021

Newsletter December 2021

Dear Newired Customer,

It’s been another challenging year for our lives. Our habits are shifting: we thought it was temporary, but
some consequences seem to stay forever. Phenomena like the “Great resignation” are the evidence of this.

We feel that the earthquake of Digitalization turned into a more meditated busy cooperation of Governments, Industries and Service providers aiming to change in-person collaboration into virtual processes, to help people who were traditionally showing up at service desks in becoming self-serviced citizens.

In this transformation period, we’ve heard the concern, sometimes the shock of Companies that had to quickly go on line in front of issues like the Log4j security hazard, while their users were still far from being confident in using new portals or applications.

Supporting this transformation, at Newired we’ve been living a crazy year: more than doubling the number of our customers, users and interactions; we’ve seen our technology spreading over tens of verticals, providing a large variety of solutions to Companies that were seeking user guidance, support, engagement or searching for new modern ways to gather their user feedback: in a nutshell looking for a way to make the life of their customers and users easier.

For you, dear Customer, we did our best in trying to give strong solutions and fast answers to your issues. This achievement was mainly based on the huge investments in technology that we made throughout many years of developing our Solution and that is now, more than ever, fast, reliable, safe-by-design, hazard-free, useful and easy to use. Maintaining this technical excellence, together with the amazing dedication and commitment of our stellar team, it is our promise for the next year and years beyond.

Greetings from Newired, and thanks for your collaboration!

Where should I ask for feedback?

The feedback feature is a great way to ask your end-users how they are liking the guidance which has been deployed on your application, or simply a way to collect interesting information to keep improving the overall experience that Newired enables.

But where to actually place this contextual “send feedback” is not as easy as it seems.

Because we don’t want to overload our users with too much information, we need to be careful about where this should actually be placed.

As a content author, if you feel that some points of your guidance could be expanded somehow, or if you find yourself in doubt about the overall quality of the information provided about a specific topic, it might be the right moment to ask for feedback.

Another good case to use the feedback feature is whenever you have first deployed your set of journeys live, and by checking the Journeys Analytics, you see that you have a high amount of drop-off in multiple journeys.

In that case, we should ask for feedback after drop-off, to better understand the reasons behind the drop-offs and find a way to improve the experience and performance of the journey.

Product Manager, Newired
phone +39 375 648 4252


How can you train your employees to be permanently context sensitive without long training classes?
How do you support application roll-outs worldwide?
How can you do that in a fast, complete and cost-efficient way?

Newired is the answer.

With Newired Intelligent Overlays you will receive step-by-step instructions that will appear on your application to guide you through your use cases and processes to use the application correctly and efficiently.

You will discover that Newired disrupts the traditional training concepts and provides hands-on always available assistance, how-to-journeys that do not just train you, but guide you step-by-step, either through complex scenarios, or that you execute them rarely, or simply you do not want to learn them.

Take a tour of Newired


Newired’s Comparison Matrix

Deciding for the right Digital Adoption Platform is an important task.

In order to guide you through this process, we have already published a comprehensive Checklist – What should you consider choosing a Digital Adoption Platform/Solution (DAP/DAS).

Nevertheless, many of our new potential clients have been asking to help them understand better how Newired compares to other DAP solutions. When doing such an analysis, we believe it is not crucial to perform just a feature matrix comparison – as all the solutions have hundreds of features, but more important is to highlight whether and how these important requirements are being covered.

Therefore, we now publish an essential Comparison Matrix that will give you such a view on: Newired vs. WalkMe vs. Whatfix.

Check here all the performance highlights

VP Product Manager, Newired


Currently the internet is full of concerns regarding the critical vulnerability that was found in Log4j, an open-source logging library commonly used by apps and services across the internet.

If left unfixed, attackers can break into systems, steal passwords and logins, extract data, and infect networks with malicious software.

Our message is simple:

We do not use (unlike other competitors) this vulnerable library and you are 100% safe from such potential attacks (through Newired solution being in use).

Find out more

We are happy to announce that middle November we have concluded a new partnership between Newired and Digitalpoolen Scandinavia AB, a new Digital transformation successful project.

Or schedule a 15-minutes-call with us!

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