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IBM Rational Adoption Webinar

Webinar Invitation Hello! We are glad to invite you to a brand new Newired webinar 🙂 When? Wednesday, December 13 from 4:30 to 5:00 pm CEST (from 10:30 to 11:00 am EDT) Application onboarding in the enterprise context is never easy, that’s the case of IBM Rational. Main topics: Angelo Corna, Rational Software Support and […]
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Seetest 2017

Hi, I am VojtÄ›ch, Scrum Master and QA Lead in Newired, and I like to share my experience with Agile and Testing community travelling to several conferences every year as speaker. I had a speech about Effective Reporting at Seetest 2016 in Bucharest last year, and I have to say that it was one of […]
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Newired Journeys 17.0 is now available

TURIN, ITALY October 2, 2017  Newired, a company specializing in Enterprise UX Management, today announced the public availability of the latest release of Newired Journeys. The Newired Journeys platform enables adopters to deliver an optimal user experience with granular, contextually relevant guidance for any web site or web based application, using the paradigm of decoupling from […]
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Newired Journeys 17.0 is now available

TURIN, ITALY October 2, 2017  Newired, a company specializing in Enterprise UX Management, today announced the public availability of the latest release of Newired Journeys. The Newired Journeys platform enables adopters to deliver an optimal user experience with granular, contextually relevant guidance for any web site or web based application, using the paradigm of decoupling from […]
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QA Checklist – outcome from 3rd QA MeetUP

Continuous learning is an essential aspect of Agile. At the same time, we learn the best from other people experiences; their failures, their proven practices. Ostrava QA Meetups are informal meetings we run in Ostrava in order to build a group of people interested and passionate about the area. And to learn from each other. […]
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Meet Jiri, our Technical Lead & Architect

Have you read our previous posts about Vojta, our QA & Scrum Master and Ondra, our new QA? Do you want to meet another team member? In the blog post we introduce Jiri, our Technical Team Lead & Software Architect! Q1: Jirka, could you say a few words about yourself, please? I come from Ostrava, […]
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Meet Ondra, our new QA

In the previous article we introduced Vojta, our QA / Scrum Master. Now we would like to continue with another QA team member, Ondrej Kuznik, who joined us this month. Q1: Ondra, can you please say few words about you I have always been doing something connected to computers and I have been working as […]
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3rd QA MeetUP Ostrava

Quality is our prime objective at Newired. That is why we invest lot of energy also in building QA community around our team in Ostrava. We believe that “alone we are smart together we are brilliant”. If we collect knowledge and expertise, we can tap into it and turn the knowledge into high quality products […]
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The importance of a highly engaged workforce

Engaged employees are highly committed to their work, their team, and their organization. They care about serving the needs of customers and users. They work in harmony together to solve challenging problems. They feel invested in their company’s success. In contrast, employees who are not engaged behave as though they’re just doing time. They make the minimum […]
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How to sell (communicate) testing and QA

Communication Communication is an interaction between two or among more sides. However, there is one important prerequisite – we have to be fully convinced what testing and QA are for us and we have to believe in it ourself. I would like you to ask these few questions to yourself. Do I know what testing […]
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