
Unveiling Newired 24.0: Enhanced Editor, URL Processing, and Contextual In-App Guidance

Unveiling Newired 24.0: Enhanced Editor, URL Processing, and Contextual In-App Guidance

We are thrilled to introduce Newired 24.0, a milestone release that brings a host of innovative features, enhancing the user experience and streamlining the guidance creation process. With a new toolbar for the editor, URL processing capabilities, and the introduction of contextual in-app guidance, Newired 24.0 continues to prioritize ease of use and user empowerment. 

In this article, we will explore the key highlights of this release and how they elevate the capabilities of Newired.

New Toolbar for Editor: Streamlining Content Creation

One of the standout features of Newired 24.0 is the new toolbar for Newired Editor that will bring all the tools related to content creation at the user’s fingertips. The new toolbar provides flexible options depending on the context, allowing users to access essential settings without the need to open the comprehensive edit dialog anymore.

This enhancement significantly increases the usability of the editor, aligning with Newired’s core value of ease of use.

URL Processing & Custom Tracked URLs for Enhanced Analytics

Newired 24.0 introduces URL processing, a powerful feature that gives customers the ability to polish application URLs in a custom way. This customization is particularly valuable for customers working with apps that have highly dynamic URLs. 

And what about Analytics? Since dynamic URLs can turn your page tracking process into a nightmare, we are also releasing a feature to filter, polish and aggregate them. No more analytics flooded with redundant or meaningless data:  URL processing enhances the precision and relevance of page tracking, providing users with more meaningful insights into user behavior.


New Contextual In-App Help: Seamless and Consistent Information Delivery

In Newired 24.0, contextual in-app help takes a leap forward with the introduction of tooltips spread across the product, both in Newired Portal and Editor. Tooltips deliver contextual information precisely when needed, helping users navigate and utilize our product more effectively. This marks the first step toward a more consistent and seamless tutoring environment.

Newired Web-Extension migrated to Manifest V3

Due to Google discontinuing support for Manifest V2 API, we have migrated to the new Manifest V3 Web Extension API.

Limitations in Manifest V3 also require changes in the Newired Overlay that impact compatibility with the Web-Extension. Newired Content, which was published by version 23.0.0 and earlier, can only be used with the new Web Extension in Snippet Mode (see support pages).

New Web Extension will be released together with Newired Portal release 24.0.0.


Newired 24.0 is a significant leap forward in empowering users and enhancing the usability of the platform. The new toolbar for the editor, URL processing capabilities, and contextual in-app guidance underscore Newired’s commitment to providing a user-friendly and feature-rich experience.

To learn more about Newired 24.0 and its groundbreaking features, visit our website and explore the release notes. Elevate your digital experience with Newired, and unlock the potential to deliver outstanding user experiences while staying adaptable and responsive to user needs.


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