
Newired Pricing Subscription based model: you pay according to the number of users.

Subscription price calculator

With the Newired price calculator, you simply insert the total number of users you have on your applications and portals and get your price.

€ 165,00 month for
Active users

How it works?

  • We charge per number of users that use your target application
  • Create unlimited number of Journeys & Tips
  • Newired Editor is for free, anyone can create Journeys & Tips.
  • Enterprise ready security, deployment options and customizability

Who is the user?

For Newired, there is just a very small difference between internal application users and external portal users. So we count as a user:

  • Every registered user of each single corporate application where Newired is deployed on, either internal or SaaS.
  • Every weekly unique visitor (as defined in common analytics) to a public available application, website or portal.

Example: if you wish to have Journeys & Tips for your 200 registered users in Salesforce, 450 in Workday, 200 in your internal custom app, plus 1000 weekly users on your portal, you need a license for 1.850 users.


  • Easy and transparent pricing
  • Future proof calculation – no surprises
  • Discount structure based on the number of end users
  • No charge for server, portal and editor components (you don’t pay to create the content)
  • Scalable, you pay what you really need with low investment at start-up
  • Compelling corporate discount structure for large enterprises with multiple applications
  • Delivery On-Premise (Server & Private Cloud), Public and Hybrid Cloud
  • Set-up services and hands-on training included in the subscription fee
  • OEM licensing available: to integrate and distribute Newired content with your application


No. With one single license, you can deploy on your test environment and on the live environment. Licenses apply per number of end users, and no other parameter is applied here.

No, you don’t. You are the one who will decide how many Journeys or Tips are necessary to guide your end users, so our licenses don’t limit them.

You have an unlimited number of Journey creators. We don’t charge for Content Editors, once you have a subscription you can involve as many creators you like.

As it becomes very complex to count who uses 2 or more applications, we simply add the final number of end users on all applications concerned, meaning that this user will count multiplied by the number of applications he/she uses.

No, it is not. If you would like to have hosting by Newired, there is a hosting subscription fee to be added to the above calculation. Please contact us for more information.