
Newsletter October 2023

Newsletter October 2023

Securing the Future: The Role of Security in Digital Transformation

In an age where technology is driving every facet of our personal and professional lives, the pursuit of innovation and efficiency has never been more critical. As organizations embark on their digital transformation journeys, they are confronted with the twin challenges of harnessing the power of new technologies while ensuring the safety of their digital assets.

Secure Digital Transformation: A Necessity

Secure Digital Transformation is not merely a catchphrase; it’s a strategic imperative in the digital age. All unprecedented opportunities for growth and innovation can simultaneously expose organizations to an array of security threats.

For many organizations, the path to Secure Digital Transformation is riddled with challenges. There is a growing need to ensure data privacy, regulatory compliance, and robust cybersecurity practices. This is where ISO 27001, the internationally recognized standard for information security management systems, comes into play.

Security written in the Newired’s Core

At Newired, the security of our clients’ digital environments is a responsibility we do not take lightly. We are committed to helping them navigate the digital transformation journey with confidence, knowing that their security is our top priority. We understand that empowering users and enhancing digital experiences must go hand in hand with safeguarding sensitive information. We’ve recently tackled security by receiving the ISO 27001 certification.Β 

Achieving ISO 27001 certification underscores Newired’s determination to prevent costly security breaches and it also demonstrates to customers, partners, and shareholders that the company has proactively taken measures to safeguard data and ensure its protection in the event of a breach, maintaining trust and confidence in our commitment to data security.

Loredana Staicu
Marketing Manager, Newired

Are you tired of sifting through countless tutorials and guides for every application your team uses?Β 
Newired has the solution you’ve been waiting for!
πŸš€ Discover Our New Multi-Application Video! πŸš€

Top Benefits:

  • Comprehensive Guidance: It provides comprehensive guidance that covers multiple applications;
  • Efficiency: Users can quickly learn how to navigate and use different applications efficiently, as they can see common tasks and processes demonstrated in a single video;
  • Consistency: This multi-application video ensures a consistent learning experience across various processes enabling the end-users to complete independently certain tasks.

πŸ”— Ready to Supercharge Your Skills?
Click this link to watch our Multi-Application Mastery Video now! πŸ”—

🌐 Learn. Master. Succeed. 🌐

Newired Achieves ISO/IEC 27001:2013 Information Security Certification

We are thrilled to inform you that Newired has received the International Organization Standardization for Information Security Certification (ISO/IEC 27001:2013).Β 

The ISO 27001 certification means that Newired has met internationally recognized standards for information security management systems, demonstrating its commitment to implementing rigorous security practices to protect sensitive data and ensuring the confidentiality, integrity, and availability of information.

Also, achieving ISO 27001 certification underscores Newired’s determination to prevent costly security breaches. It also demonstrates to customers, partners, and shareholders that the company has proactively taken measures to safeguard data and ensure its protection in the event of a breach, bolstering trust and confidence in their commitment to data security.

The Page Views functionality is an Analytics tool which tracks and provides insights into the frequency of visiting different pages of the target application by both identified and anonymous users. It brings the overview of how many unique users visited various pages within the application together with the detailed list of all visited pages and the chart visualization.

The data can be filtered based on the Time period and the Segmentation the same way as in other Analytics tools. Page Views tab is accessible from the Analytics section in Portal:


The Summary section provides an overview of two key metrics – the total number of page views across all different pages and the total number of unique users within the selected time range.

Additionally, both of them include an engagement percentage showing the progress. The engagement percentage is calculated by comparing the current date to the previous month, regardless of the selected time range:

Page List

The Page List is a table that presents an overview of all the unique URLs that have been visited by users in the target application. It includes columns that provide important metrics for each specific URL, such as the number of views and the number of unique users.

The table allows users to sort the data in ascending or descending order based on any column. In cases where the table contains more than 10 rows (default number of rows per page), paging functionality is available and allows users to navigate between different pages of the table:


Trend Chart area brings the graphical overview of the data from the Summary section within the specified time range. User can switch between the two tabs to see the Views Trend or the Users Trend:

Discover more about this New Analytics Feature.

Head of Customer Success, Newired

Empower Your Enterprise with Newired DAP: Unleashing Data Freedom and Security

πŸ—“οΈ November 8th, 2023
πŸ•’ 3PM CET Time

About the Webinar:

Are you seeking to supercharge your enterprise’s digital adoption and data security strategies? Join our upcoming webinar to explore how the Newired Digital Adoption Platform (DAP) can help you achieve just that. Our webinar will cover:

  • Introduction to Newired DAP: Gain insights into the advanced features and capabilities of the Newired Digital Adoption Platform.
  • Data Freedom: Learn how to strategically choose between cloud and on-premises data hosting while retaining complete control over your data.
  • Data Security: Explore our commitment to data security through ISO 27001 certification and the SOC2 certifications of our hosting providers.
  • Interactive Q&A: Engage with our experts and get answers to your questions via the chat feature.

Who Should Attend:

This webinar is designed for enterprise decision-makers and professionals, including:

  • CIOs, CTOs, IT Managers, and IT Directors responsible for assessing and selecting digital adoption solutions.
  • Data Protection Officers, Privacy Officers, and Compliance Managers keen on aligning data practices with regulatory standards.
  • Department heads and process owners aiming to optimize user experiences and digital transformation while maintaining data control.
  • Professionals interested in leveraging technology to streamline enterprise processes and enhance user adoption.
  • Cybersecurity professionals and IT security managers seeking a robust platform supported by ISO 27001 and SOC2 certifications.
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