
New Business Partnership between Taipuva Consulting & Newired

New Business Partnership between Taipuva Consulting & Newired

TURIN, ITALY January 17th 2018 

NEWIRED, developers of Enterprise UX Management solutions that help companies improve on-boarding and user productivity with complex web-based software, today announced partnership with Taipuva Consulting.

Serving customers in Finland, Sweden and Denmark since 2011, Taipuva Consulting provides proven expertise and software tools to make client software development processes easier, more productive, and more enjoyable with improved ROI from R&D investments.

“It’s really a no-brainer: Newired Journeys can make any web-based tool easier to use and faster to adopt.
It brings instant ROI, when the first class-room trainings can be avoided. What is brilliant, is the way Newired Journeys
can guide users through complex workflows, which are usually spread into many pages and dialogs.
It can give deeper insight into the processes, why people should do as instructed. This is far better
than the small technical tooltip hints that many tools have built-in.
Therefore, we are excited that through the newly formed partnership with Newired
we can represent Newired Journeys in the Nordic countries. It means that we can help many professionals
overcome their pains with complex web tools and sites of today.”

Pasi Ahola, CEO at Taipuva Consulting

Newired Journeys is now available trough the direct channel and partner resellers world wide. For further information please visit and the Newired Corporate website at

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