The importance of segregating processes on a Digital Adoption Platform or Solution

The importance of segregating processes on a Digital Adoption Platform or Solution

Written by Andrea Folino

How to segregate processes on a Digital Adoption Platform?

Very often, companies believe that by adopting digital resources (e.g. software) alone, they will become more efficient and optimize all their processes. But as we have pointed out several times, inserting digital resources at a company is of little or no use if these resources are not actually adopted or used properly by employees and customers – our digital users. One way to address this problem and contemplate software users is by adopting a digital adoption platform/ solution, such as Newired. However, here too, we need to implement them properly and to pay attention to best practices advice in order to be successful.

When using Newired on very complex software, there could be lots of Journeys created and available on the Launcher, if we are not careful and do not define visibility rules for them. By not defining these rules, we might end up with a long and confusing list where users can easily get lost and not find the process they need.

This is when segregation comes into play. Segregation on a Digital Adoption Platform is simply a way to define groups of application users and, based on that information, define which processes (illustrated by Newired Journeys) they will be able to see. By doing this, we make it simpler and more effective for the end user to find what actually is relevant for them. That is why Newired created Visibility rules for Journeys.

Visibility rules

What they are

To understand what visibility rules are and what they do, let’s make an example.

Let’s suppose that many employees use the same software, but they have different roles: some are from the sales department, some are from development and some others are from marketing. They will most likely accomplish different tasks and, consequently, they all will follow different processes.

With Newired integrated to their platform, they can ask for help at any moment. Also, thanks to visibility rules, this help will be somewhat customized: they will not see neither follow Journeys created for other departments, avoiding wasting their time browsing a full Journey list.

That means their launcher (the triangle from where they can start Journeys) will display only the Journeys which are relevant to their position. As you know, Newired’s purpose is to offer contextual guidance, and this context will also be determined by the user’s role.

How they work

Now that you know what visibility rules are, let’s understand how you can implement them with Newired.

We provide to our users many kinds of rules they will be able to use according to the platform’s specific characteristics. Let’s see an overview of them.

  • URL based rules: they make users see a Journey just when there is or there is not a specific URL, or when it contains or does not contain a user-defined keyword. For example, if you have a Journey to help users log into software, this Journey should only appear on the login page, whose URL can typically contain the word login.
  • Element based rules: they make users see a Journey just when a specific element is present or absent on the current page (e.g. a tab present on the User Interface used by the Sales Team can be used here, defining that sales-relevant Journeys will be visible only when this tab appears). 
  • Browser language-based rules: they make users see a Journey just if the user’s browser is set (or not) in a given language. This is very useful when you have, for instance, different job functions spread in several countries. For example, if your Customer Care department is located in Hungary, you can define that the relevant Customer Care Journeys will be shown to users who have their browsers in Hungarian.

Visibility rules can be combined in order to create complex and efficient segregation systems. You can define multiple rules and define, for instance, that all of them need to be true for a Journey to be displayed, or that a given Journey will be visible if only one of them is true.

In general, these three ways of defining visibility rules allow us to segregate Journeys in many different scenarios. In case it is not clear for our customers how to define these rules or which rules are the best to be applied, our Customer Success Managers are here to assist them.

We highly recommend you define these rules whenever possible, as a piece of best practice advice. Let’s always seek to make things as simple as possible for the end user!

Learn more

To learn more about visibility rules and our products in general, contact us!

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