Newired Journeys 17.1 is available

Newired Journeys 17.1 is available

We are proud to announce that Newired Journeys 17.1 has been released and is Globally Available today. 

Version 17.1 is a significant leap ahead in stability and ergonomics.

Crisp features, usability improvements, higher productivity: enjoy being Newired!

Crisp features

Final users of the launcher will surely appreciate the many new enhancements that will make their Journeys even more pleasant: Modal Wind
ows, Autoplay, Animation, Wait for the next step and Progress Widget will allow them in being guided better and in a more pleasant way.

Focus on Usability

Journeys designers, on their hand, will be impressed by the usability improvements that will make their job much easier: with Duplication, ability to insert a Step after any other one, Real Time evaluation of Visibility, the design of Journeys is much faster and safe.

Higher productivity

Under this shining surface, we were also able to fix many issues and make tens of small improvements, that improve stability and responsiveness. We also progressed in a some internal Research activities which results pave the way to broader future releases (details available under NDA).


Enjoy being Newired!

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